

No - i'm not talking about that totally effed-up loss to the Red Sox last night - though that was some disturbing shit. Did you see Papelbon's face at the bottom of the 9th? that guy is a total typical Boston relief-pitching fluke douchebag. 

But anyway - no - what's really disturbing is Mac's sister Amy telling him last week that her son Kenny's got a huge dick. So I was like, wtf? first of all - you and your sister talk about shit like that? and, second of all - are you kidding me? how old is he?

Um - he's 4-friggin-years-old!!!

Not only is he "huge" - like he's not fitting into his undies anymore - he's bigger than his dad! a.k.a. Mac's brother-in-law Dave. and i'm like - That is so effed up! How does Dave deal with that? How does he change Kenny's diaper looking down at that thing and knowing full when that his 4-year-old son has a whole inch on him, maybe more? how does that not totally ruin you, throw you into a mindfuck?

Great. I just found another reason to stay far away from fatherhood. 


Thank you diaper bomber dude

So you've all heard about this thing in the news - apparently this TSA official dude at Miami International got arrested last week. They were testing the new screeners - the ones where they can see straight thru your friggin clothes to make sure you're not hiding anything under your dick - or between your cheeks - wherever - and they were making fun of one of the TSA guys cause he had a small dick. and he went after the guy. assault. done.

All the papers got on it.
Then Perez Hilton got on it.
Then they made fun of it on saturday night live. It's a friggin phenomenon. People can't shut up about it.

So i wanna thank the diaper bomber dude - that guy that had those explosives laid into those big padded undies - because this started with him. it's cause of him that, in like ANY friggin minute now - we're gonna be going thru these creepy ass scanners.

The new reason to never fly again

So thanks, diaper dumbass - cause now - every time i go through one of these stupid ass scanners - i'm gonna be sweatin' cause i'm gonna assume theres some employee behind a computer who's laughing at my dick. some idiot in a uniform with a stupid grin on his face.

And you too Miami douche - for making a big deal out of nothing - for not having the friggin balls to just walk thru the stupid screener and just let guys be guys and swallow your pride and NUT UP. thanks to you - having a small dick is the new joke on late night. and the internet. and the Post. and everywhere else I look.

two steps forward, right?


Guys vs Girls

Guys aren't picky - guys are so friggin easy to please. Ever meet a guy - okay, a straight guy - who took like an hour to get dressed, or debated forever about getting a salad instead of a steak - or had a drunk ass screaming match with his best friend in the middle of the street for absolutely no reason at 2 in the friggin morning. 

Yea, this happened right outside Angela's dorm last night - two chicks just screaming their heads off about NOTHING. clearly wasted out of their minds. it was unreal.

So i'm lying there last night in bed thinking about how much easier guys are to get along with - how i have like thousands of guy friends - and then i have angela - and then i have like maybe ten other friends who are girls. i don't have the patience. i'm not into the drama. i've got like 0 tolerance for the drama.

torture for me is making me sit through an episode of the Real Housewives. whatever city. doesn't matter. they're all crazy dramatic wastes of space. GOD i hate those chicks. they should be put away for a year. with just each other. in like a cement hole. done.
The closest thing to a guy's problem with his dick size is a girl's issues with their boob size. i've known LOTS of girls who were insecure - who i've had to talk off the friggin ledge about it. who, like, complained that when they lay down, their boobs were so small that they actually went totally flat with the rest of their body. i was like - what? what the fuck are you talking about? i mean - not in those words - but huh??

I'm not saying nice round big boobs aren't fun - they are - and i've had some fun with some boobs - but GUYS ARENT PICKY. we aren't picky like girls can be picky. we aren't judgmental and nasty about boobs like girls can be nasty and judgmental about dicks. we would never turn a girl down cause she wasn't "well-endowed" boob-wise. we sure as fuck wouldn't laugh or whatever. what's to laugh at? the fact that they weren't porn star enough to get a boob job? boob jobs are fun too - but they're pretty whack and i totally get a girl wouldn't want implants in their friggin chest the same way guys don't want injections in their dick. you know, if she's lacking there, maybe we pay more attention to her ass or her legs or whatever - but we don't hate. we don't judge. we just don't. cause we're guys. we take what we get. we don't send food back. medium-well, medium rare, who gives a fuck. it's a steak. steaks are all different. and we're gonna eat it no matter what.

unless its one of those real housewives bitches. except for that girl Bethany who's like totally bangin (oh my god, dude, i can't wait to run into that chick in the street here and be like - Yo, you're friggin hawt) - those girls can eat themselves. seriously. cement hole. with rats and moldy bread. done and done.

oh - hey - footnote: this comedy group from the city that i dig did this funny thing about guys acting like girls. there's chicks in the group too but they're not in this video. check it out. its good shit.