
Thank you diaper bomber dude

So you've all heard about this thing in the news - apparently this TSA official dude at Miami International got arrested last week. They were testing the new screeners - the ones where they can see straight thru your friggin clothes to make sure you're not hiding anything under your dick - or between your cheeks - wherever - and they were making fun of one of the TSA guys cause he had a small dick. and he went after the guy. assault. done.

All the papers got on it.
Then Perez Hilton got on it.
Then they made fun of it on saturday night live. It's a friggin phenomenon. People can't shut up about it.

So i wanna thank the diaper bomber dude - that guy that had those explosives laid into those big padded undies - because this started with him. it's cause of him that, in like ANY friggin minute now - we're gonna be going thru these creepy ass scanners.

The new reason to never fly again

So thanks, diaper dumbass - cause now - every time i go through one of these stupid ass scanners - i'm gonna be sweatin' cause i'm gonna assume theres some employee behind a computer who's laughing at my dick. some idiot in a uniform with a stupid grin on his face.

And you too Miami douche - for making a big deal out of nothing - for not having the friggin balls to just walk thru the stupid screener and just let guys be guys and swallow your pride and NUT UP. thanks to you - having a small dick is the new joke on late night. and the internet. and the Post. and everywhere else I look.

two steps forward, right?

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