
Condomania Relieves the Pressure, So To Speak

I've never bought anything off the Condomania website - you could say Angela's not too big in the "toys" department - no vibrating rings or gerbils or whatever they call those things - but i have no trouble buying this new research study they put up on their website. I guess when you run a condom company, one day you wake up and you think, "Hey, i'm gonna pull together a bunch of data on dicks and post it on my website." ta-da.

So for all the 2 guys maybe who are reading this blog from Wyoming - I guess you'd be Wyomingans? - you are totally and completely off the hook, i shit you not. NO need to blame your dad. NO need to blame your ancestors. NO, you didn't jerk it too much in middle school and NO, that's not why your dick is so small. Apparently its because you're from friggin' wyoming. go figure.

Condomania has this whole goddamn list, ranking all 50 states on average penis size for guys. how they got these numbers? good question. i guess there's a whole bunch of guys out there - uh, 27 thousand of them - who like to buy their condoms custom-made. and being a guy who has a dick and has a whole blog dedicated to my dick, this is news even to me.

i'm sorry - what? you need your condoms to fit you so perfectly that you called a 1-800 number and had them measure your dick width and length and girth and shit so they could make you personalized tight-fittin condoms? really?? do you they come with your picture on them??? christ! guys who love themselves that much might wanna stick with masturbation.

ANYWAY, they also did a top 20 "big" cities list - and new york city somehow managed to squeeze into the top 5 there - i have NO idea how. except - wait - these aren't random results. these are like volunteered results. these are the results from guys who offered to get their dicks measured for the sheer purpose of pleasuring themselves while they're pleasuring others. somehow i don't see guys with tiny dicks lining up on the street to do this - just a thought.

Boston is 15 out of 20 - and that makes sense - irish capital of the world - but the most awesome part of the study is that #20 out of 20 is - dum dum dum - DALLAS, texas. they say everything in texas is bigger. sounds like things are actually smaller than they appear.

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