
MWSP Meeting Review

OK - before Andrew bites my friggin head off - let me just clarify from my last post that he and Jess did leave halfway through the Penis Puppetry show - right around the time that Andrew started to question the size of his own dick. HA. eat me.

Alright, so I mentioned it before and I'll probly say it again that I go to this support group every wednesday for men with small penises (MWSP). And no, idiots, its not like fight club where everyone's effed up and crazy and we don't picture ourselves like penguins slidin down caves and shit. Its actually at this church - Saint Sebastians in brooklyn heights and - yea its a bitch gettin over there - but its totally worth it.

The usual crew was there last night plus - oh man - i guess this chick got her meetings messed up and she shows up thinkin its a group for women who are married to guys who have small dicks - and Stephen was like "Uhhhhh - clearly not!"

Father Kevin tried to convince her to stay - and I was totally up for it. But then i got really pissed off - i mean, like, think about it - that there's this underground meeting of these chicks who get together and bitch about their husbands dicks. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? i know theres a support group for friggin everything - specially in this city - but how friggin cruel is that! and what the hell do they talk about?

"Hi - i'm susie - and i still haven't got off yet."
"Hi - i'm jane - and i'm still treating my husband like crap."
"Hi - i'm mary - and i like to complain about THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE!!! so glad i came!!!"

We tried to talk about it after this chick left but Kevin keeps us on track and doesn't really let us go off like we want to. it's not really what the groups about, i guess. but the whole time i'm just thinking about angela and if she'd ever heard of that group ... thought about that group ... christ, maybe even been to that group. it made me sick just thinkin about it.

gotta go to MT. l8r.

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